Emergency Service District (ESD) #1 Board Vacancy

The Palo Pinto County Commissioners Court will be appointing a member to the County’s Emergency Service District (ESD)#1 Board.

In order to serve as a member of this board a person must be:
(1)      At least 18 years of age;
(2)      A resident of the state, a qualified voter within the area served by the district; or the owner of land subject to taxation in the district.

The commissioners’ court shall consider relevant factors in determining the individual to appoint as emergency services commissioner, including whether the individual has knowledge that relates to fire prevention or emergency medical services and that is relevant to the common policies and practices of the board. 

The term of service will be for two years.  Any qualified person interested in being appointed to this board should send a brief resume of their qualifications and a cover letter detailing why they would like to serve to one of the following below by 12 noon September 11, 2020.

Palo Pinto County Judge,
P.O. Box 190,
Palo Pinto, Texas 76484

or email ([email protected])